Consultations With Prescriptions

Need to see a healthcare professional for a consultation?

This could be for anything from a suspected infection, to wanting to start hormonal contraception, and everything in-between!

Our consultations with prescriptions service may be right for you.

With this service you can have a full consultation with our independent prescribing pharmacist, who can advise you on next steps.

If a prescription is required, they may be able to prescribe for you.

Consultation with Prescriptions service - FAQs

  • Included in this service is:

    • A full consultation with our prescribing pharmacist

    • The writing of a valid UK private prescription

    • Said prescription being electronically processed

    • A document confirming the prescription and any costs you have paid, in case you’d like to claim it back on insurance. We also strongly recommend you forward this document to your regular healthcare provider

    • You can always get in touch following the prescription for any questions you may have.

  • This service is open to all people of all ages.

  • Not necessarily. It is important for the pharmacist to be completely sure that the medicines you are prescribed are clinically necessary, safe for you to use, and will not pose potential problems down the line.

    This is why all prescriptions are always subject to a consultation.

  • If, during the course of the consultation, it becomes clear that a prescription is not clinically appropriate for you, you will not be prescribed anything.

    If this happens, you won’t be charged the full consultation with prescription price, but rather you’ll be charged for a Minor Ailments consultation.

  • A consultation with prescription costs £75. If you attend the clinic out-of-hours (including on bank holidays), the charge is £99. You can see which dates and times count as out-of-hours on our Opening Times page.

    If (as above) a prescription is not necessary, you’ll be charged for a minor ailments consultation at £20.

    Please note that for this service, discounts are available for UK and Ireland residents. Please bring with you a valid form of ID.

Want to book a consultation with prescription?

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