Opening Hours
You can find our opening hours here, and any special dates to be aware of below.
Please be advised that the Google Maps page is also up to date on opening hours.
Special opening hours
Christmas 2024
Monday 23rd December - CLOSED
Tuesday 24th December - CLOSED
Wednesday 25th December - CLOSED
Thursday 26th December - CLOSED
Friday 27th December - CLOSED
Out-of-Hours Charges
Our Out Of Hours charges apply on Sundays, bank holidays and certain weekends, as well as for any services completed outside normal operating hours (before 9 a.m. or after 6 p.m. on weekdays, before 10 a.m. or after 4 p.m. on weekends, or anytime on Wednesdays). This means that for consultations, a higher fee will apply.
You can find a list of dates for which out-of-hours charges apply below.
None remaining
New Year’s Day - 01/01/2024 - CLOSED
January - 02/01/2025 - BANK HOLIDAY - Out of hours charges apply
Good Friday - 18/04/2025 - BANK HOLIDAY - Out of hours charges apply
Early May Day - 05/05/2025 - BANK HOLIDAY - Out of hours charges apply
Spring Bank Holiday - 26/05/2025 - BANK HOLIDAY - Out of hours charges apply
Summer Bank Holiday - 04/08/2025 - BANK HOLIDAY - Out of hours charges apply
St Andrew’s Day - 01/12/2025 - BANK HOLIDAY - Out of hours charges apply
Christmas Day - 25/12/2025 - BANK HOLIDAY - Hours TBC
Boxing Day - 26/12/2025 - BANK HOLIDAY - Hours TBC