What is HPV?

HPV, or Human Papilloma Virus, is a virus spread through physical contact which affects the skin.

Different strains of the virus can cause different symptoms and ailments.

HPV can be responsible for a number of conditions, including:

  • genital warts

  • pre-cancerous lesions

  • ano-genital cancers

  • cervical cancer

What is the HPV vaccine?

The HPV vaccine we use is called Gardasil 9, and it is currently used in the NHS and by various health bodies, like the WHO, worldwide.

This HPV vaccine protects against nine different strains of HPV, including two which are often responsible for cervical cancers.

  • Gardasil 9 is licensed on a 2- or 3- dose schedule. However, many bodies (like some healthboards in the NHS and WHO) are using the vaccine off-license on a one- or two- dose schedule. This is to maximise the amount of people who have access to the vaccine, and because available evidence suggests even a single dose of Gardasil 9 is highly effective for at least 10 years.

    At Pharmacy Clinic Edinburgh, we have reviewed the available evidence and decided to offer the vaccine on the 3- dose schedule recommended by the manufacturer.

    The first vaccine is given in month 0, the second in month 2 and the third in month 6.

  • The Gardasil 9 vaccine is available for those who:

    • Are aged 9 years and over

    • Have no allergies to the ingredients or excipients of the vaccine

    • Are currently fit and well

    • Are not immunocompromised

    • Do not have a bleeding disorder

    • Are breastfeeding

    • Are not pregnant

  • If you have never been vaccinated, or only received part of the vaccination course, you can complete the course, or have the full course, with us. Completing a course will have you fully vaccinated and protect you, as much as possible, from HPV.

  • Yes. Vaccines are never 100% effective for everyone, but having an HPV vaccine does reduce the chance of you getting HPV.

    The more people are vaccinated, the lower the risk for both people who are vaccinated but for whom the vaccine is not effective; and for people who are not vaccinated.

  • Yes. You can still contract HPV and a number of other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) even with the HPV vaccine.

    Wearing a condom can reduce the risk of skin-to-skin contact, but it does not eliminate it, so they are not 100% effective.

  • Many people are still eligible for the HPV vaccine through the NHS. We recommend you contact your GP or local health authority for more information.

    If you want the vaccine on the NHS, we unfortunately are unable to assist with this as we are a fully private pharmacy, so you will have to speak to your GP.

  • For each visit you need, you’ll have:

    • A full consultation with the pharmacist, who will assess the suitability of the vaccine for you and be able to answer any questions you may have

    • The vaccine prescribed by the pharmacist

    • A patient-information leaflet from the manufacturers of the vaccine

    • Our own patient guide to the vaccine

    • The vaccine administered by the pharmacist

    • A comprehensive follow-up document which details the specifics of the vaccine(s) for your information, and for you to forward to your GP

  • We charge either for individual doses, or offer a reduced rate if you pay for several doses.

    • 1 dose = £159

    • 2 doses = £290

    • 3 doses = £430

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